Tuesday 10 May 2022

Tjoritja National Park, Ormiston Gorge

 7 – 10 May 2022

We left Redbank Gorge and headed east towards Alice Springs, stopping along the way at the Mount Sonder Lookout. There is a magnificent view of the ranges as well as a down to the Finke River below. There is camping along the river but there is no infrastructure at all and access is along the sandy river bed. From there we continued on to Ormiston Gorge.

We arrived at the campground just on 10:00am and found there were lots of sites available – although not all were very level. We chose Site 1 – right next to the one we had stayed on last time we visited. It didn’t take long to get set up and a cuppa going – with leftover scones. After lunch we wandered down to the gorge and were surprised to see the amount of water. There had been significant rain some months ago and the creek still had plenty of water. The small waterholes where birds came down to drink were larger and more numerous.

In the morning we set off on the Ghost Gum Walk. The walk goes up to a lookout near a lone ghost gum, and has great views into the gorge. From there we could see just how much water was still in the creek. After the lookout the walk follows the creek line along a ridge and eventually comes down into the gorge. The walk then continues across to the other side of the gorge, except at this time that would have necessitated a swim through some very cold and quite deep water. We opted to return the way we had come making it just over 3km in total.

After lunch we headed back into the gorge again for a session with the camera in the hope of finding the painted finches that were there in numbers when we visited a few years ago. No luck with the finches but Mick happily photographed Little Woodswallows instead.

We awoke on Monday morning to overcast skies and cooler temperatures. We decided to wait and see if the sky would clear before making our minds up about going out for a drive. We waited until morning tea and with no improvement we headed down to the cafĂ© for a very nice morning tea. The sky remained overcast until well after lunch time. A patch of blue appeared but didn’t last long so we spent the rest of the day at camp.

We packed up and set off from Ormiston Gorge at 9:30am the next morning, with plenty of time to stop along the way to Alice Springs.

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