Tuesday 31 May 2022


 30 - 31 May 2022

Batchelor was only an overnight stop on the way to Litchfield National Park, but chosen because of the wild bird feeding each evening in the caravan park. It was only about 200km from Pine Creek so we stopped for a cuppa at a rest area along the way and also at the markets at Adelaide River. We found the fish van and bought some frozen fillets for later. We arrived in Pine Creek in the middle of the day. We chose what we hoped would be a shady spot, but we got it wrong again. Luckily the pool was cool and shady.

We went down to the bird feeding area at the appointed time, but apart from some galahs, there wasn't much action. That's the thing with wild birds, despite your best efforts they don't always do what you want them to. We might just have to come back another time - or maybe not. Batchelor doesn't have much to offer apart from being near to Litchfield National Park.

In the morning we again checked out the bird feeding, but again just the galahs. We drove into the town and had a coffee in the park before setting off for Florence Falls in Litchfield National Park. We had booked a site in the Old 4WD Campground and were very much looking forward to it.

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