Sunday 29 May 2022

Pine Creek

 27 - 29 May 2022

After a very successful morning near the turn-off to Leliyn (Edith Falls) which saw Mick capture his first ever Gouldian Finch photo we set off for a couple of nights at Pine Creek. Once again it was a bird that prompted the decision to visit - this time the Hooded Parrot. It was only a short drive so we arrived before 11:00am and went to check in at the caravan park attached to the pub. We were able to book a site but had to wait until 12 to be allowed to go in and set up. We spent the time wandering around the grassy parkland nearby and Mick was pleased to spot some of the parrots he was after. We had an early picnic lunch then moved into the caravan park.

Mick had photographed two new birds in the one day, so we felt a celebration was in order. We shouted ourselves dinner at the Lazy Lizard. The food was good and the beer was cold so it was a very nice way to end the day. In the morning Mick went for a walk to take some more photos of the parrots and we then headed off to Umbrawarra Gorge.

The drive to Umbrawarra Gorge took about 45 minutes along a dirt road. There is a campground near the gorge and a small carpark at the day use area. We walked along the short path that follows the creek but it was only barely visible in a few spots due to the vegatation. We continued along after the paved path ended and did a bit of rock hopping to get to a nice sandy spot with views of the gorge itself. We could have gone further but decided not to. There wasn't enough water to make swimming an option but it looked like it would have been nice if we had visited sooner after the wet season ended.

We continued alternating sitting in the shade with swimming - this looked like it was becoming a habit. The next morning Mick spent a while back down in the park trying to photograph the birds but was not as successful. Pine Creek would have to stay on our list of possible places to stop when we head south from Darwin in the next month or so.

We packed up and set off for Batchelor - again in search of parrots.

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