Wednesday 18 May 2022

Banka Banka West

 16 – 18 May 2022

Before we left Karlu Karlu we stopped in to use the free wifi at the day use area, where we made an online booking for 2 nights at Banka Banka West Station. We then set off towards Tennant Creek where we stopped for some supplies including fuel. We then drove the short distance to Tingkkarli/Lake Mary Ann where we had morning tea. Back on the Stuart Highway we drove on the Attack Creek for a picnic lunch.

We arrived at Banka Banka just after lunch and were directed to the unpowered section and invited to select a spot. We chose one near a tree, but we had calculated the position of the sun incorrectly and we didn’t end up with much shade at all. Banka Banka is a working cattle station with a tourist park as an added extra. It would have to be one of the best set up and run station stays that we have been to. The booking system was clear and easy to use, and the welcome on arrival was friendly and informative. The camping ground for tents and camper trailers is closest to the amenities and there is a camp kitchen. The bar, which is housed in one of the original station buildings, lovingly restored, is open each night and damper is cooked on the coals of the fire nearby.

Mick was fortunate to be given access to a spot for bird photography, not usually accessed by guests. We headed down there just as the sun rose and he spent about 3 hours watching and waiting, while I sat in the car and read. Each of us doing what we love to do. We returned to the campground and late in the afternoon we walked down to the waterhole. The walk is about 2.5km, on mostly well-made station tracks. The last 500m or so is quite rocky, but still fairly easy if you’re wearing sturdy shoes. The waterhole is seasonal and at the time of our visit there wasn't enough water to swim - but enough to attract some birds to drink there.

We did contemplate another session at the dam but decided against another early morning as we were facing a possible long drive to our next stop. Instead we packed up in our usual leisurely fashion and walked up to the lookout before setting off after 9:00am. We planned to look at a particular rest area where there might be some interesting birds.

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