Friday 27 May 2022

Nitmiluk National Park - Leliyn (Edith Falls)

 24 - 27 May 2022

We picked up the car and trailer with the new tyres on and set off for Leliyn (Edith Falls). As usual we had booked our campsite through the NT National Parks website and timed our arrival for around lunch time. Unfortunately the site we chose wasn't ideal for us - the size stated didn't give any indication that it was a pull in site, rather than reverse in. We ended up with our kitchen and fridge facing the road and no way to put the awning out. Fortunately there was a great grassed area adjacent, with lots of shade so we spent most of our time under the trees there - when we weren't swimming in the Plunge Pool at the falls.

Once we were over the frustration of the site orientation we had lunch and set up - then it was off to the falls for the first of many swims. It was fabulous, but quite deep in parts so the pool noodles had a good workout. The campground was fully booked by mid afternoon but still people arrived thinking they could just drive in and pick a spot. There were naturally some very unhappy campers!

In the morning Mick rose early and drove back down the road on a mission to try and find Gouldian Finches - without success. We had another swim and considered our options for the rest of the day. We were both keen to go on the Leliyn Trail walk which would take us to the Upper Pool but we needed to do this in a cooler part of the day. So - would we do it later in the afternoon or in the morning before we left? In the end we decided on the only sensible thing to do - extend our stay for another night and go on the walk in the morning without having to rush to get back to pack up. Luckily our site was available for the extra night so our plan would work. More swimming and relaxing in the shade completed our day.

We did get up earlier than usual - before sunrise - and set off on the walk at about 7:30am. The first section involves a steep climb up many stairs, with some great views along the way. We reached the upper pool just after 8:00am and were the only ones there - for a little while. We had forgotten to take the pool noodles but didn't really need them as the pool has lots of shallow parts with big boulders just under the surface. We spent over an hour enjoying the waterfall and pool. It was certainly worth the climb up and the walk over rocky paths and steps.

Once we returned home we headed back to the Plunge Pool for yet another swim. We spent the rest of the day alternating between the shady grass and the cool pool - what a life! We decided to get up early in the morning so we could spend some time at a birdy spot before heading for Pine Creek. Again we rose before dawn, breakfasted and packed up as quietly as we could and were on the road just after 7:00am. We stopped at the unofficial campground near the junction with the Stuart Highway and Mick set off to look for birds while I set up a comfy chair in the shade and read. 

Mick's efforts were rewarded and he managed to get his first look - and photograph - of a Gouldian Finch in the wild. It was right where he expected to find it too. This was cause for celebration so we had morning tea and made our way to Pine Creek.

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