Saturday 2 September 2023

Lake Gilles Campground

1 – 2 September 2023

We had visited Lake Gilles on a previous trip but had not camped there so were looking forward to a night in a quiet camp by the salt lake. On the way in we looked for a track that Mick had been told would lead to a possible spot to photograph a Copper-back quail-thrush. We didn’t go down the track with the trailer but continued on to the campground. At that stage we were the only ones there so we had the pick of the spots. We chose one with a fire pit, and adjacent to a track to the lake.

We set up so that we were facing the firepit which we planned to use as a cold night was expected. We had brought what was left of the firewood that we had been gifted at Mount Ive. We went for a walk along the shore of the lake – this one had no water but was very boggy near the edge suggesting it had been full of water not so long ago.

On returning to camp we noticed another vehicle approaching and realised it was some bird photographers we had met at Mount Ive. We hadn’t expected to see them again as they had been heading west, but here they were. After an early dinner, Tony and Julia joined us for a few drinks by the fire, sharing birding stories.

The night turned out to be much colder than expected and when Mick set off early to the special spot, he noted the “outside temperature” indicator in the car read 1°. No wonder we were cold overnight. He returned to camp not long after because he couldn’t find the spot so I jumped in the car and between us we found it – and he photographed the bird. After breakfast he spent another short session at another spot – success again – and returned to camp for morning tea, then to pack up. We chatted with Tony and Julia before heading back in to Kimba for lunch, then on to Whyalla.

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