Monday 25 September 2023


22 – 25 September 2023

We stopped for a late lunch at the rest area at Forty Mile Scrub and then continued on to Mount Garnet. We pulled into the caravan park, but despite the glowing reviews, we found it underwhelming, so continued on to Ravenshoe.

The community run caravan Park in Ravenshoe looked really nice, but it was full and there were only spots in an unshaded paddock. Because it was still quite early we decided to go to Malanda. We’d stayed there a number of times before and knew it would be a good spot. Being a Friday, and school holidays, we called ahead and were told there was a spot available.

When we arrived we were actually given a choice of several spots and we chose the one in the corner of the park near the falls, backing on to the rainforest. As we sat having a Friday drink we caught sight of something moving at the back of our camp. To our delight we realised it was a couple of Lumholtz Tree Kangaroos! Mother and baby skirted the edge of the trees, then climbed one where we could watch them for a few minutes. This was a truly special experience.

On Saturday morning we drove over to Yungaburra – as luck would have it we had arrived on markets weekend. First we went for a walk along Petersen’s Creek and down to Frawley’s Pool. This tranquil spot is named for a local school teacher who taught children to swim there in the 1950’s. We then walked back along the creek and across the suspension bridge – looking for birds the whole time.

From there we went to the famous Yungaburra Markets. Always busy, and with lots of local produce, food and handicrafts, we enjoyed wandering around. We bought a few things then went back to Malanda for lunch. There was some rain in the afternoon and more forecast for the coming days, but nothing too drastic – so we thought.

On Sunday we drove over to one of Mick’s favourite spots – Hastie’s Swamp, near Atherton. The two level bird hide allows good views of the swamp where there were many different varieties including heaps of Magpie Geese. Once again we headed home for lunch and then a drive to Lake Eacham in the afternoon. It was a beautiful day so we also had a walk to the Malanda Falls – adjacent to the caravan park.

Unfortunately the rain started in earnest during the night and by morning we had a significant amount of muddy puddles to contend with. The original forecast that had indicated “0 – 6mm” of rain, had been revised twice and was now showing “0 – 15mm” so we had to decide whether to stay and wait it out, or move to a drier location. More rain was forecast for the next 5 days so we chose to move on. Packing up in the wet is never fun, and we had the added complication of the sticky red mud. Thankfully the rain had stopped briefly so at least we weren’t wet. We managed to get everything done and reluctantly left Malanda bound for Mareeba, on the dry end of the Tablelands.

We visited Platypus Park near Atherton looking for birds, and hoping for a coffee, but the café was closed. Devonshire Tea at Lake Barrine was our next choice, but with no designated long vehicle parking, and the parking area full we drove back in to Yungaburra where we enjoyed a very late morning tea at one of the cafes there.

Back on the road and we stopped at “The Humpy” at Tolga for some fresh fruit and veggies, as well as some treats, then continued on to Mareeba.

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