Wednesday 13 September 2023

Birdsville Track -  Tippipila Bush Campground – Clifton Hills Station

 12 – 13 September 2023

We continued our journey north along the Birdsville Track and made our lunch stop at Kilanbar Bore. Unfortunately the flies were out in force so it was a quick lunch in the car again. Back on the road and we found the campground and drove a little further on to locate the start of the Birdsville Inside Track where Mick would explore in the morning. The Inside Track has been closed for about 5 years due to repeated flood inundation and there is no sign indicating its location.

We returned to the campground which was once again a big open area with a couple of toilets and nothing else. We found a spot near some scrub and set up so that we could escape the flies. Once again dinner had to wait until after dark. There were only two others camped here, but a large group of vehicles camped across the other side of the road.

Mick went out very early to drive 14 kilometres along the Birdsville Inside Track to Goyder Lagoon. Even though the road is officially closed because it is not possible to get through to Birdsville, it is in reasonably good condition as far as the lagoon that Mick wanted to visit. He was home much earlier than I had expected, but very pleased that his mission to photograph the Grey grasswren had been successful.

With that one in the bag there was no need to hang around so we set off on the final leg to Birdsville.

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