Monday 18 September 2023

Cuttaburra Crossing

16 – 18 September 2023

We left Birdsville with the plan to spend a night or two at Cuttaburra Crossing. Lots of people had told us about what a great place it is and we wanted to see for ourselves. We arrived before lunch time and drove straight into what looked like a good camp spot right on the water. After walking around the area for a bit we decided we had found the best spot – absolute water views, some shade, easy access to sun for solar and not too far from the toilets.


Sitting watching the birdlife on and around the water held our attention throughout the afternoon. It definitely lived up to the expectations and Mick was like a pig in mud trying to get photos of the goings on. As an unexpected bonus the flies were nowhere near as bad as other places we had camped over the last few weeks – but there were millions of bugs at night attracted to the light. I guess you can’t have everything perfect.

Mick was up early to go down to the water near the road to look for Flock bronzewings but without success. We decided to stay a second night with a plan to have dinner early – before the bugs came out to play. It was another spectacular day on the water and even though it was very hot – 37° - we had shade in the afternoon and the entertainment helped to pass the time. As planned, we ate early and had drinks with fellow birder Paula.

If it hadn’t been so hot, we may have stayed another couple of days, but we decided to move on so packed up and headed to Bedourie.

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