Saturday 25 March 2023

Winton Wetlands

24 – 25 March 2023

We checked the weather forecast and decided to head up into the Warby Ranges to a free campground about an hour from Glenrowan. We arrived at Killawarra Forest Campground and were the only ones there. We weren’t sure about staying as the best located site wasn’t ideal for us so we had morning tea in the small rotunda while we considered our options. We were very glad we hadn’t set up the camper trailer, as the couple of march flies that were hovering around when we first arrived had beckoned all their mates and we were being harassed by a huge number – all trying to bite us. It wasn’t hard to make the decision to move on.

Fortunately we were both agreed that a return to Winton Wetlands would be a much better option so we headed there and were set up by the water iin time for lunch – and again were the only ones there. We drove around to the other side of Lake Mokoan in the afternoon so Mick could look for some birds.

Evening glow

The weather wasn’t quite as good as the first time and there was some light rain come through a couple of times but nothing to spoil an otherwise peaceful night – and no visits from the night creatures this time either.

Before leaving the wetlands we stopped in at the Visitor Centre for morning tea then set off, heading west.

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