Saturday 4 March 2023

Alpine National Park – Big River Campground

2 – 4 March 2023

We spent some time in the village before leaving Omeo and then set off north towards Mitta Mitta. We weren’t sure where we would stop so we called in to a couple of campgrounds along the way. The road was as we had expected – narrow, windy and steep in parts. We came to Big River Campground that had been recommended by the lady in the Omeo Visitor Information Centre, and decided that it would do us nicely.

The spot we chose was back from the river as all the best ones were already occupied by caravans. We were happy with our choice near a firepit and picnic table, not too far from the toilet. There were two caravans, a camper trailer and some tent campers, but all well spread out.

We had brought some firewood with us in anticipation of a cold night, even though the daytime maximum was in the high twenties. Mick lit the fire in time to get some coals ready for a camp oven stew, as the temperature started to drop.

Camp oven stew and a cold drink - perfect!

In the morning we were thinking about staying another night and made up our minds to do so after chatting with a neighbour who told us about their day trip to Falls Creek. We decided that would be a good way to spend part of the day, so packed up a picnic lunch and set off after morning tea.

Back along the Omeo Highway, we then turned off onto the Bogong High Plains Road and were again travelling on windy, narrow and steep roads, with the added complication of very heavy fog. It was a slow drive up the mountain but the reward of sunshine and magnificent views as we neared the top was worth the effort. We stopped at the lookout at Wallace Hut carpark and then continued on to Falls Creek.

Driving through the fog was a challenge but it seemed so appropriate in the "high country"

Falls Creek is a ski resort and there isn’t much around “out of season”. In the end we returned to Wallace Hut carpark where there was a nice shelter with a fabilous view,  interpretative information and seats, to have our picnic. After lunch we walked the 750 metre, easy, walk to Wallace Hut. Although there weren’t many birds around, Mick was happy taking photos of the insects that flitted around as we walked.

Wallace's Hut

We returned to the campground and enjoyed a lovely sunny afternoon, followed by another cold night. We sat by the fire to eat leftover stew for dinner before retreating inside.

While we were starting to pack up in the morning we saw the first of a very large group of cyclists stop near the campground. We were anxious not to be following too closely behind them, so delayed our departure significantly until well after morning tea. It seemed we had timed it perfectly when we saw them having lunch in the park in Mitta Mitta. Not wanting to be in such a crowded environment we continued on to a campground just past the village and had a quick lunch, hoping to get away before the cyclists were back on the road.

We thought we had managed to avoid the pack, when we came across what we thought must have been the lead group. It was extremely difficult to get around them on the narrow, windy and steep roads and a great deal of patience was required. There was a number of small groups spread out over about 10 kilometres. Fortunately the support crew, and some of the cyclists themselves signalled when it was safe to overtake.

We eventually left them behind and continued on towards Wodonga, where we joined the motorway, and then on to Chiltern.

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