Thursday 2 March 2023


 28 February – 2 March 2023

We had never stayed in Omeo so decided to spend a couple of days there. With some rain forecast it seemed like a sensible idea to stay before heading up into the high country. The caravan park is right on the river, and if the weather had been better we might have done some more walking around the area.

We ventured in to town in the morning and were quite surprised at the size of the village – and the number of cafes! It seems this is a very good place to stop before or after the drive (or ride) through the mountains along the Great Alpine Way or Omeo Highway.

Our route from the coast up into the Victorian High Country

We weren’t sure about which way we would go so asked in the Visitor Information Centre where we were reassured that the road to Mitta Mitta along the Omeo  Highway would be narrow and windy, but quite suitable. The neighbours in the caravan park were also considering going that way so drove up as far as Anglers Rest for lunch. On their return they too indicated that it would be a great way to go.

We knew there were a number of free camping areas along the road we would be taking, so decided to have a look at each one until we found the one that suited us. Before we left Omeo we bought some firewood in anticipation of cold nights in the high country.

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