Friday 24 March 2023


 19 – 24 March 2023

We left Whitfield and called in to Edi Cutting so Mick could spend some time looking for birds to photograph. Unfortunately there weren’t many around but we did manage to snag a great spot by the river to have morning tea. We contemplated staying the night but decided to return to Glenrowan, partly because some nasty weather had been forecast for the following few days.

We arrived at the caravan park, again in time for lunch and were set up in a partly shady spot as the temperature headed towards 30°. While Mick spent the afternoon at the bird bath, I drove in to Wangaratta for fuel and groceries.

Hot air balloons launch from nearby Benalla

With storms forecast for Tuesday, Mick spent most of Monday with the camera at the birdbath, chatting to others with a similar interest. Glenrowan is a prime spot for birders and many secrets are sjared around the birdbath.

The forecast storms weren’t as severe as anticipated but were enough to have us deciding to stay an extra couple of days at Glenrowan so that we could get the canvas dried out – and it’s a great spot anyway. Whenever the rain stopped, Mick went out with the camera. We also took the opportunity to sample some more of the delicious bread and treats from the bakery in the small town.

We wanted to go up into the Warby Ranges and had found a possible campsite not too far away so we had a slow start on our final morning, then headed into the national park.

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