Monday 7 June 2021

Flat Creek Station

 5 – 7 June 2021

We had made contact with the owners/managers of Flat Creek Station via Facebook Messenger and had received directions to get there. They had also alerted us that there might not be anyone at the homestead when we arrived. We set off from Cumberland Dam, and drove back through Georgetown, taking the Forsayth turn-off. From there it was on to the road to Western Creek Station, and Flat Creek Station. Flat Creek is about 26km along a gravel road, that was is quite good condition when we travelled.

Arriving at Flat Creek Station we made our way to the homestead and completed the self-check in. From there we drove down to the campground. Arriving at the campground, I was a bit underwhelmed. It was more bush camp than campground, with no clear definition to camping sites or even areas, and little level ground. Signs at the small amenities block indicated that campers are responsible for maintaining and cleaning the toilets and showers, are to provide their own toilet paper, and are also required to light the donkey boiler for hot water. This includes collecting firewood as none is supplied. This is quite different to other stations we have stayed at, and which I found quite surprising.

There were two spots occupied and so we went for a walk and chose a spot that looked OK. We settled in and Mick discovered a dripping water tap not far away – but closer to another possible campsite. Of course, he spent the rest of the day up there. We decided that in the morning we would shift to the other spot closer to the dripping tap so Mick could keep an eye on it throughout the day.

The next morning, after Mick had spent an hour or so up at the tap, we packed up and shifted camp. That would have to be out all-time record for shortest distance travelled between camps – probably no more than 50 metres! Set up in our new spot, we had morning tea and then took a drive along station tracks to where a fellow camper had told us we would find a bird feeder. We did find it – just over 1 km away – but it was the wrong time of day to get good photos. At least we knew where to come back to later. Back to camp and Mick continued to stake out the dripping tap throughout the afternoon.

We did not see the owners/managers the whole time we were there so were not able to ask about other birdwatching spots, something we found to be very disappointing given that was the reason for our visit which I had indicated in my initial message regarding camping. We decided to stay only 2 nights, leaving late so Mick could spend the last morning at the water tap.

Flat Creek Station wasn’t what we expected but it did turn out to be a nice place to stay. On the way back to Georgetown we stopped in at a nearby campground for a look, but it wasn’t really what we wanted. We had lunch in a park in Georgetown and decided to head for home and just go as far as we could.



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