Friday 4 June 2021

Innot Hot Springs

 3 - 4 June 2021

We arrived at Innot Hot Springs and checked into the caravan park in the early afternoon. Themal springs bubble up though the creek bed, and at the caravan park they have taken advantage of this activity to create 6 pools of varying temperatures. Three are outside and 3 are under cover. Locals told us that they were not as hot as usual, but the hottest was still very hot. The best way to enjoy the mineral springs is to move between pools – hot, cold, hot, cold. We did just that and found that the warm water eased some of our aches and pains. It was a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

Later on we walked down to the creek and heeded the advice to enter with caution – with no temperature regulation there, burns are possible. I went back for another soak in the pools before dinner. The night was colder that we expected, but the morning was crisp and clear. We considered out options and decided to give Pinnarendi Station a try.

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