Tuesday 8 June 2021

Bluewater Springs Roadhouse

 7 – 8 June 2021

We left Georgetown and set off towards Mount Surprise, then turned off the Gulf Developmental Road onto the Kennedy Developmental Road. At The Lynd Junction we turned onto the Gregory Developmental Road on our way towards Charters Towers. There aren’t many stops on this route so it was either going to be Greenvale or Bluewater Springs for the night. We decided to head for the one we hadn’t stayed at before – Bluewater Springs Roadhouse. There is a small campground on the banks of the – currently dry – creek adjacent to the small roadhouse.

We selected a powered site for the night as Mick was very keen to download the thousand photos he had taken over the last few days. There was only us and two caravanners there for the night which was just as well as there was only one combined shower/toilet in the campground. The gents toilet at the roadhouse was also available to campers.

As has become our custom we went out for dinner on our final night – fish and chips at the roadhouse served “old style” with bread and butter, and a cup of tea if we wanted (we didn’t). There was a sprinkle of rain during the night and then an overcast morning. A leisurely pack up and the relatively short last leg of our journey had us home in time for smoko.

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