Wednesday 30 August 2017

Ellery Creek Big Hole - Tjoritja/West Macdonnell National Park

28 – 30 August 2017

Another very popular spot, Ellery Creek Big Hole is only a short drive off the highway along an unsealed road. With fewer camp spots, it is wise to arrive early, which we did. The spots are all different shapes and sizes and are sited around a central picnic and barbecue area. There are flushing toilets, but no drinking water. There is a large day use area between the gorge and the campground.

The gorge is easily accessible via a paved pathway and the proximity to Alice Springs makes this another spot that can get quite busy. We spent lots of time just sitting by the waterhole, watching the birds and enjoying the peace and quiet – until the tour buses arrived!

An Inland Thornbill near the camp.
A very pretty waterhole but very crowded at times.
This was a lovely place to sit and watch birds coming in to drink and bathe or the grebes hunting for insects. Grey-headed and White-plumed Honeyeaters came down regularly and Rainbow Bee-eaters plunged into the water from their lofty perches in the river red gums. I saw a Crimson Chat attempting to get to the water but it gave up due to the many people walking past. If it weren't for the crowds this would be paradise. Mick.

Rainbow Bee-eater
White-necked Heron. There were about fifteen of these in the gorge one morning.
 Australasian Grebe. Many gorges had a resident grebe.
Non-breeding Australasian Grebe
Having a rest.
A Willy Wagtail coming in to drink.
Male Magpie Lark
We did tackle the one longer walk at Ellery Creek, the Dolomite Walk. This walk is a 3km loop and is a Grade 3. It meanders up and down hills and affords really good views of the fascinating geology of the area. Eventually the walk drops down into the creek bed for the return to the campground.

Amazing textures.
Rock formations on the Dolomite Walk.
I finally got a shot of a Red-browed Pardalote toward the end of this walk.
As the last pools in the creek dry up, there is no hope for the doomed fish.
The easy to catch fish make a meal for this Australian Magpie.
Attempting mouth to mouth resuscitation?

Next it was back to Alice Springs for a visit to the Ilparpa Ponds - yes, that's the sewerage works!

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