Sunday 19 February 2023

Tarra Valley

17 – 19 February 2023

We left Warragul and chose to go on the most scenic route towards Tarra Valley, but unfortunately we trusted the GPS once again, and although we were going in the right direction, we were on windy, hilly roads through farming county. It was a beautiful drive, but took much longer than expected as it was impossible to drive at the signposted 100 kph.

We found a park in Leongatha for lunch then continued on to Yarram, where we turned off onto the Tarra Valley Road. The information provided by the caravan park warned about the possibility of taking inappropriate roads if following the GPS or google Maps, so from Yarram we followed the signs – just like in the olden days.

It was well over 30° when we arrived at the caravan park but the rainforest setting, across from the river, made it the perfect location for a couple of days. Storms were forecast and we did get good downpour after a cool change arrived.

In the morning we set off to Tarra – Bulga National Park, further along the road. Our first stop was Tarra Falls, only a couple of kilometres away. There is a small carpark at the top of a set of stairs which provide nice views of the falls. From there we continued on to Tarra Valley where we went on the walk to Cyathea Falls. This easy walk along a creek through rainforest to the falls was my favourite for the day.

Cyathea Falls

We thought about going home for lunch and coming back up later, but decided against another drive on the very narrow, windy road so we continued on to the visitor centre where there are a number of walks. We started off on the Lyrebird Track but turned around after a while as the bush was fairly uninspiring regrowth, along a somewhat overgrown track. When we returned to the junction we made our way along the walk to the Suspension Bridge. This walk involves quite a bit of downhill travel – and then back uphill if you do it as an out and back walk as we did.

By the time we had finished we were ready for lunch so drove back to the caravan park where we spent the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying the beautiful surrounds.

The following morning we left Tarra Valley and drove back down the mountain to stop in at Yarram for some shopping, before continuing on towards our next stop – Loch Sport.

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