Friday 24 February 2023

Lakes Entrance

 21 – 24 February 2023

We planned a short visit to be able to catch up with travelling friends who live in Lakes Entrance so we booked 3 nights in a caravan park near the beach. Once we left Lake King we only had a short drive to Lakes so we went a little way in the opposite direction to Paynesville – another spot we had never visited. It was a cold, grey day so we went and had a coffee in a bakery and visited the local craft shop. We didn’t walk along the shore because it was so windy and drizzling with rain but we did find the op shop before setting off back towards Bairnsdale.

We had to do a bit of back tracking on this part of our journey

We stopped to have a look in an antique shop and art gallery on the way, and then found a park to have lunch. We drove on to Lakes Entrance and settled in to the caravan park. Later in the day we went for a walk along the creek and down to the beach.

We had a few jobs to do, including a minor modification to the camper trailer to keep creepy crawlies out, so we went into town and did some shopping for the things Mick would need. He spent the afternoon completing the job while I off-sided for him.

On Thursday we joined Ruth and Boyd for a lovely lunch at the local Bowls Club and had a bit more of a wander around town. We weren’t sure where our next stop would be so we spent some time consulting the maps and considering a few options. In the end, the weather forecast convinced us to stay inland so we decided on Nowa Nowa for the next couple of nights.

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