Sunday 26 February 2023

Nowa Nowa

 24 – 26 February 2023

We had never visited Nowa Nowa before but it looked like a nice destination. Once again we didn’t have far to drive so we went the long way back through Bairnsdale where we wandered around the shops and picked up some supplies. We stopped for lunch at a park in Bruthen and then continued on into Nowa Nowa.

We were able to get an early check-in and set up in the shade by the creek. There’s not much to Nowa Nowa but there are a couple of walks, mostly along the creeks and river. We enjoyed our quiet afternoon with a nice view, and found ourselves with a couple in another Cub camper trailer as neighbours.

Saturday was going to be very hot so we set off for the walk to Boggy Creek Gorge Lookout fairly early. All we had to do was join the path that ran along the back of the caravan park and along the creek. It was a mostly gentle, slightly uphill walk to the lookout, but we didn’t think the view was all that special. Maybe we have been spoiled by all the stunning gorges we have visited in other parts of the country.

While the gorge was nice, I was fascinated by the markings on the trees along the walk

Later, we drove down to the boat ramp and walked along the Wetlands Walk, Again, this was a very nice walk but nothing special. Mick did find a “birdy” spot where he spent some time trying to get some photos.

Over the previous week, there had been marine wind warnings for most of East Gippsland but the weather had improved so we decided to head back to the coast and Cape Conran for a couple of days.

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