Tuesday 21 February 2023

Loch Sport and Lake King

 Loch Sport

19 – 20 February 2023

We chose Loch Sport as our next destination as it was on the Lake Victoria, and close to some free camps on the beach that we wanted to have a look at. We headed into the caravan park and noticed that it was very quiet with hardly anyone there. Like many in this area, there are lots of “seasonal” vans, but the ones here looked very much unloved which gave the whole park a run-down appearance.

We settled in and then set off for a drive to Golden Beach to have a look at a number of free camps – some with toilets, some which allow dogs. We were interested in the ones with toilets, but without dogs. It turned out we were further away than we thought, but it was a nice drive with plenty of stops along the way to look at the beach and camps. Unfortunately for us, all the best spots were taken so we decided to move further towards Lakes Entrance in the morning.

We did go for a nice walk along the shore at Loch Sport in the late afternoon, as well as the obligatory walk along the jetty. Despite the appearance of the caravan park, it was a nice enough, quiet location to spend the night. I’m not sure I would want to be there during the busy season though.

We enjoyed a walk along the beach and out onto the jetty at Loch Sport

After another short walk along the beach we set off to return to the highway and on towards Lakes Entrance.


Lake King

20 – 21 February 2023

We headed off from Loch Sport not exactly sure where we would spend the night. We had a few possibilities and as none were very far away we were able to take our time. Our first stop was in Sale to try and find the Wetlands. Poor signage meant it took a few goes, then when we did find the right place, the infrastructure was actually closed for repairs – and looked like it had been for some time.

We then went to the park on Lake Guthridge to have a look for waterbirds and decided to have an early lunch there. There are some picnic tables and toilets right by the water so it was a good place to stop.

After lunch we drove on to Stratford where we hoped to check in to the caravan park. Unfortunately they have a strict 2:00pm check-in policy, but did suggest we could park and wander in to town. We had a look around the caravan park and decided it wasn’t as nice as we had hoped so moved on.

We stopped in Bairnsdale for fuel which was the cheapest around the area on the day, and then drove on to Lake King. Again, a small caravan park with lots of “seasonal” vans, but this one looked much better maintained. Although we didn’t get a waterfront site, we still had a view of the lake.

We went for a walk and enjoyed a quiet afternoon while we contemplated whether to stay or move on in the morning. We decided to move on to Lakes Entrance where we would be able to catch up with friends we met on Cape York in 2016.

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