Monday 14 March 2022


 11 – 14 March 2022

Leaving St Helens we travelled up into the mountains on our way to Bridport. We took a short detour to Pyengana for morning tea at the dairy. While we were there I was able to have a quick catch-up with an old friend who lives nearby and works at the dairy. We also bought a lovely cheese box to have for lunch later on.

We continued on through the mountains and arrived at Bridport just on lunch time. We checked into the caravan park and immediately saw that the site we had been allocated was totally unsuitable. We returned to the office and were offered another one that was only marginally better, but decided it would have to do. Being a long weekend, this very popular holiday spot was almost fully booked. We were glad we had arrived early as it took some manoeuvring to get the camper trailer onto the wonky, small site, which was underneath an old gum tree. On the positive, the view was fabulous. The park started to fill up as the afternoon wore on, and we noticed many others having the same struggle we’d had to get positioned perfectly.

We went for a long walk along the foreshore path and onto the beach. This caravan park is enormous and hugs the beaches. There are more than 250 sites and you can see the water from just about all of them. We went for a drive to try to find a birdwatching spot and found the “food truck park” instead. It was too early to eat so an ice cream seemed like the thing to do. We decided we would return for dinner one night over the weekend.

On Saturday we visited the local market. Run by the CWA there was a good assortment of arts and crafts, local produce, jams and preserves as well as plants and second hand goods. We then walked along the foreshore path in the other direction to the one we had taken the previous day. In the evening we walked over get dinner at the food truck park – pizza for Mick, and Thai for me. Good food and great value.

On Sunday morning we set off again to try to find the birdwatching spot – this time down to Adam’s Beach and a long walk along the beach to the estuary. No luck with the birds, but another good walk. Later in the day we drove to Scottsdale, the next big town, to use the carwash and to stock up on some groceries. Back home and it was time to start preparing for our journey on the Spirit of Tasmania on Monday night.

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