Tuesday 22 March 2022


 20 - 22 March 2022

Glenrowan was a top spot to spend our first few nights back on the mainland, but we had the car booked in for a service in Benalla so we had to head there. On the way we did some exploring in the Winton Wetlands. We had picked up a very good map at the Visitor Information Centre in Wangaratta and set off to have a look at one of the campgrounds, as well as some of the other points of interest. There are a number of marked walks, as well as a comprehensive cycling trail. We managed to spend the best part of the morning poking around, looking for birds and enjoying the scenery. We made our way to a picnic spot near the Mokoan Hub and Cafe for lunch. From there it was on to Benalla just a short distance away.

We checked in to the caravan park and settled in for the afternoon. It was very hot so we were grateful that we had some shady trees nearby. We were almost tempted to try out the pool! On Monday morning I took the car into Toyota for a service so we were stuck in the caravan park all day. We made use of the time to do some housekeeping tasks, and Mick utilised the camp kitchen to do a heap of photo editing. 

Benalla is known as a centre for gliding and we did see a couple while we were there. We were surprised to see some sort of motorised hang glider, adding interest to a stunning sunset.

On Tuesday morning we set off with Little Desert in our sights but no real plan about where we would spend the night. We set the GPS for Shepparton where we would plan our next move. On the way to a coffee shop, Mick wondered if he might be able to get onto the bird guide in Deniliquin - definitely not where we were headed, but worth a try.

Mick phoned after we had finished our coffee and was pleasantly surprised to find there was a spot on a tour with another couple the following night. By sharing with others the cost would be much more affordable, so off to Deniliquin!

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