Thursday 31 March 2022

Hattah-Kulkyne National Park - Lake Mournpall Campground

 27 - 30 March 2022

Leaving Barham, we set the GPS for Hattah-Kulkyne National Park and travelled into Victoria, and through Swan Hill. We stopped for a picnic lunch at Manangatang, then on to the park. We have stayed at Hattah-Kulkyne NP twice before, both times at Lake Hattah but this would be our first time at Lake Mournpall. We had booked three nights and called into the visitor centre to pick up a map, before heading to the campground. 

We went for a good walk around the campground before deciding on the perfect lakeside spot. We found one with lots of afternoon shade, but enough clear space to keep the solar happy. Most campsites have picnic tables, firepits and lake views. There are also a couple of toilet blocks, not far from most sites.  

Mick had been given a tip about a good spot for a bird he was after so we set off late in the afternoon to try to find it. It wasn't hard to find, so Mick would come back in the morning on his own. That meant a very early morning wake-up - well before the sunrise.

Mick set off just as the sun was starting to rise, and spent the best part of the morning chasing birds along the Nowingi and Konardin Tracks. After lunch and a rest, he returned later in the afternoon and again the following morning. He was rewarded with some shots of a new bird.

In the afternoon we went for the short drive to Lake Konardin then returned to camp. We had thought about adding an extra night, but the weather was changing from warm and sunny with little wind, to windy and cold nights so we decided against it. On our final morning Mick again went out to his now favourite spots before returning mid-morning. We ended up staying on to have lunch before setting off towards Mildura. 

We stopped for some supplies then continued west to Lake Cullulleraine where we would spend the night.

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