Saturday 27 November 2021


 22 - 27 November 2021

After leaving Red Banks quite late we drove in to Morgan for lunch in a lovely park by the river. The sun was shining and the day was warming up considerably. From there we went on the ferry over the Murray River and on to Waikerie. We checked in to the caravan park as the temperature reached the high 20's - so different to a week ago when it was only 11's and 12's. I took the opportunity to get a load of washing done ahead of the rain that was due over the next few days.

On Tuesday we did a bit of exploring around the town and stopped for coffee in the Waikerie Bakery. We called in to the Visitor Information Centre and picked up some maps and brochures. It rained on and off for much of the day so we pottered at home for the afternoon. When the rain stoppped we drove down to the bird hide on the nearby Hart Lagoon. Later, we walked for a short way along the river but had to hurry home when an approaching storm whipped up the wind. The rain, fortunately, mostly bypassed us.

Wednesday morning was dry but very overcast so we set off after breakfast for the Clifftop Walk. This interesting and well marked walk follows the river and has lots of vantage points to take in the views. There is also lots of old machinery, relics from the early days of irrigation in the district. Interpretive signage adds to the experience. During the afternoon the rain bucketted down leaving us restricted to inside the tent. We were very pleased when it started to ease about an hour before we were scheduled to go on an evening cruise on the river.

The rain had completely stopped by the time we set off to walk down to the River Gum Cruise mooring for an evening on the water. There were only six of us, plus the captain and crew (husband and wife James and Sandra). The commentary was interesting and informative without being longwinded and the platter of local produce was delicious. To top it off we did get a lovely sunset as well.

We had more rain through the night and more forecast for Thursday. We had only intended to stay in Waikerie for three days, but added an extra one in the hope that we could get on to Gluepot once the sky cleared. With our extra day we decided on a drive - the drizzling rain made a long walk out of the question. Just out of Waikerie we stopped at Illalangi Gourmet Foods to buy some goodies for Christmas gifts then headed on for a look at Kingston-on-Murray. From there we went on the Barmera, then back past Lake Bonney.

We planned to have lunch at a popular pub - The Overland Corner Hotel - on the way home but we arrived minutes after a tour bus had disgourged its contents. We decided to give that one a miss and headed back to Waikerie. Lunch in the pub there was fabulous! I had lamb shanks and Mick had his favourite - pizza (of which there was plenty left over for dinner).

The sky looked to be clearing so we were hopeful about being able to get to Gluepot. Friday was clear so we went for another drive - this time a loop westward - across the river at Waikerie, then on to Cadell where we crossed back over the river. From there we went down to have a look at a popular camping spot - Hogwash Bend. Being a Friday it was quite crowded, but it looked like there were some very nice places where you could set up for a few days. As luck would have it we had to drive right past Caudo Winery on the way back to the main road. Unfortunately the bar had just closed but we were able to purchase a take-away bottle of sangria. Only one, as I hadn't tried it and didn't want to take any chances if it wasn't to my liking. (I discovered a few days later that it most definitely was to my liking.)

We checked the Gluepot Facebook page on Saturday morning and the status had been updated to show that the roads were open - although with some water laying around, caution would need to be excercised. We packed up, looking forward to a few days away from the crowds who had descended on the caravan park for the weekend. Back across the river again and we were on our way.

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