Monday 8 November 2021

Ikara - Flinders Ranges National Park - Wilpena Pound

 4 - 8 November 2021

We left Arkaroola and took the same road we had come in on, back to Copley. There is another way, via Blinman, but is further on unsealed road. We made it to Copley just on lunch time so stopped in the park for a picnic. This is a nice spot with shelter shed, picnic tables and toilets. From there we set off for Wilpena Pound in Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park.

Following the GPS we drove south to Parachilna, then further south to a "scenic drive" just near Merna Mora Station. The Moralana Scenic Drive is unsealed but is definitely scenic. Not sure why the GPS took us that way but we were glad it did.

Checking in to the caravan park at Wilpena Pound Resort, we could see that it was quite busy. We had a choice of a couple of sites, but ended up on one with morning shade, rather than afternoon which we would have preferred. The setting is lovely with lots of trees around. After we had settled in we went for a walk to have a look at the small supermarket - and they had a fabulous array of ice-creams. Who could resist?

We decided to have a day out on Friday - a drive up to Blinman and then on to have a look at a couple of campgrounds for future reference. We left after morning tea time and headed north towards Blinman. On the way we stopped at a number of points of interest. First was Huck's Lookout, then on to Stokes Hill Lookout. As expected, both afforded fabulous views of Ikara - Flinders Ranges National Park.

From there we turned off the highway again to drive the 3 kilometres to Appealinna Ruins. This is a lovely spot with lots of interpretive signage telling the stories of the early white settlers - pastoralists and miners - and the conflicts between the two groups. There is a picnic table but no other facilities.

Travelling further north we called in to Dingley Dell Campground - this one was a bit too close to the main road for us but still looked like a nice spot. From there we continued on to Blinman.

Once we arrived at Blinman we headed to the pub - North Blinman Hotel - for lunch. I had the roo schnitty - it was tender and tasty. It came with the usual chips and salad and it was nice to have some fresh salad - something that is not always easy to come by in remote places. After lunch set off towards Parachilna.

Many of the drives in the Flinders Ranges travel through, and beside, magnificent gorges. The road from Blinman goes through Parachilna Gorge and we tried to locate the spot where we had camped when we were here 30 years ago. We couldn't be certain as there were no designated campsites then - you just purchased a permit and camped wherever you liked. We did find a couple of likely candidates.

When we reached Parachilna, we headed south again and turned off to drive along the Brachina Gorge Geologial Trail. This road meanders along the gorge and signage indicates the different types and ages of rock visible in the landscape. Again we tried to identify a previous campsite where we had seen Yellow-footed rock wallabies without much success. We stopped at Brachina Lookout and Teamsters Campground. We made note of this campground as one that would be nice for us.

We looked at Brachina East campground then turned off onto the Bunyeroo Gorge Road. Again we had a look at a couple of campgrounds which looked promising, and also at Welsh's Lookout and Razorback Lookout. Each lookout offers stunning views and great photo opportunities. Returning to the Flinders Ranges Way, we continued on back to Wilpena Pound.

On Saturday morning we set off fairly early to walk the Hills Homestead track. This walk is about 6.6km return and is rated easy. It travels along the creek and then on to the homestead which has been restored from ruins. It was an easy walk, as promised, and took us around the estimated 2 hours. There are other, more strenuous walks for those younger and fitter than us.

We stayed around camp for the rest of the day, just enjoying the peace and quiet. We planned on an early start in the morning so Mick could, hopefully, photograph some emus.

Up early, as planned, and we headed out of the campground and along the road towards Flinders Ranges Way. We hadn't gone far, and had not even reached the main road, when Mick spotted some emus, with a perfect background. Successful photos in just a few minutes! We continued on as far as Huck's Lookout for some photos with the clouds down low over the ranges.

On the way back we detoured to the Old Wilpena Homestead. Mick wasn't terribly interested so I went back down on my own later in the day. It was an interesting site, with many of the old station buildings still standing and restored. Interpretive signage provided an insight to life on the land on the late 19th century. There was also an acknowledgement of the first nations people of this country - the Adnyamathanha people - in the form of a meeting place.

We booked our next stay - a night at Teamsters Campground in the national park, and set off in the morning for a night in the bush.

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