Tuesday 9 November 2021

Ikara - Flinders Ranges National Park - Brachina Gorge, Teamsters Campground

 8 - 9 November 2021

We had scoped out some campgrounds on a drive up to Blinman on Friday, and chose Teamsters as the most suitable. It has large sites, toilets and a great view of Brachina Gorge.

We arrived in time for a late morning tea, and walk down into the gorge. The weather wasn't great, with cloudy skies, but no rain, and little wind. We enjoyed our peaceful surroundings, with only the occasional car passing along the road nearby. It looked like we might be the only ones there, but a family arrived late in afternoon. Mick spent some time out with the camera while I read in the shade - just a perfect afternoon.

After a fairly cold night, the sky cleared and the sun came out. As the rocky gorge became lighter we were able to spot some Yellow-footed rock wallabies sunning themselves at the entrances to a couple of the many caves that we could see along the gorge wall.

We didn't need to rush off so made pancakes for breakfast and enjoyed an extra cup of tea as the day warmed up. We left around 10am and headed for Hawker where we aired up the tyres, bought a coffee and attended to some phone calls. From there it was on the Quorn for a picnic lunch and then to Port Augusta.

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