Sunday 21 November 2021

Port Broughton

 19 - 21 November 2021

Our next destination was Port Broughton, where we had booked a couple of nights in a caravan park. Rain was again forecast, but there didn't seem to be anywhere dry in South Australia anyway. Our first stop after leaving the Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park was Warooka, for a coffee and most delicious pie. It was a cold and drizzly day so we felt it was justified.

We made our lunch stop in Minlaton which is a fair size town. They even had an optometrist so I was able get my specs fixed. Because of the cold, we chose a bakery cafe for lunch - another pie for Mick and a sausage roll for me. We also did some grocery shopping and then continued our journey north. We detoured off the main route to visit Port Victoria - just for a look - and arrived in Port Broughton just ahead of another shower of rain. Fortunately we were able to get set up just as the rain started. This time we had managed to get an ensuite site which makes things a bit easier in the wet.

It was not only wet, but also extremely cold so we spent most of the afternoon indoors reading and playing scrabble cards. We ate dinner inside with the heater on too.

The rain continued during the night but eased through the morning allowing a visit to the town for the obligatory walk along the jetty and look at the shops. We also checked out the menu at the pub and decided to return for lunch.

Given that there were fishing boats around we settled on seafood for lunch - grilled whiting for Mick, and the Broughton Basket for me - crumbed whiting and prawns. All fresh and tasty, with great service as well. There was rain on and off in the afternoon but we were able to get in a walk along the beach and then drinks with our neighbours, also Queenslanders.

Sunday morning was still cold but the sun was shining and there was the promise of a warmer day. Once we had packed up we drove down to the foreshore for a walk and a coffee before setting off for Redbanks Conservation Park.

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