Tuesday 15 July 2014

Jabiru Safari Lodge at Mareeba Wetland

29 June - 1 July 2014

We arrived at Mareeba Wetlands shortly after 2.00pm and were told our tent was not ready so were treated to a coffee - local of course. After a short wait we were taken to our accommodation - a safari tent which was much more glamorous than the tent we had been camping in over the last few weeks, and it even included a very nice ensuite. 

We had booked the "all inclusive"package so were advised to be at the visitor centre by 3.30 for a cruise around the lagoon and then a safari tour. Out host and tour guide Greg did an excellent job of meeting the needs of his guests - photographer and bird watchers. He kept a bird guide to provide extra information to the international tourists. 
We had previously walked around the lagoon a number of years ago so it was interesting to see it from the water. After a half hour tour we climbed into the old Landcruiser for a safari tour. Greg takes his guests to various spots on the property depending on the needs and interests of his guests. 
He tried very hard to take us to spots where Mick might see and be able to photograph the birds he was after - but alas - no luck. We returned to the visitor centre just on dusk for drinks and nibbles. Greg and wife Marg are excellent hosts - mingling with guests and sharing their story. They are actually cattle farmers who own the property next door and took over running Jabiru Safari Lodge and Mareeba Wetlands when the previous managers walked out. They are doing a great job! Dinner was a choice of fish, chicken or steak and salad or vegetables. A delicious home style meal - served with more drinks and dessert of we had wanted it - we declined. Because it was a cold night, Greg lit a fire outside and we stopped there to finish our drinks before retiring for the night. 
The following morning we enjoyed breakfast of fruit, toast, cereal etc on the deck before heading off on another safari. This time Greg took us along different tracks, including on his own property. 
Lunch was from the cafe menu - wraps, sandwiches, quiche etc, and local coffee and tea. We managed to have a restful afternoon before heading out on one of the many walks. We didn't go too far but Mick was happy when he found a "birdy spot". We joined our hosts and other guests again for drinks and nibbles at sunset, followed by dinner (and this time we did have dessert - very yummy apple, rhubarb and berry crumble).
After breakfast on our second and final morning we packed up our things and heading out for another walk - back along the Pandanus Walk - the one we had been the day before, but we walked a bit further this time, all the way to the "washout". Again there were a few opportunities to photograph birds. After saying our goodbyes we headed off to our next destination - Mt Qunican Crater Retreat near Yungaburra.

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