Thursday 7 August 2014


24 - 25 July 2014

From Hughenden we headed along the highway to Richmond and checked into a camping spot at the only caravan park in town. We were early so were able to select a prime piece of real estate with views over Lake Fred Tritton. Unfortunately we were crowded in as the afternoon progressed, but maintained our view. 

The following morning we ventured down to the lake again and Mick did some serious bird photography while I wandered home. 

Chestnut-breasted Mannikin, Striated pardalote and White-winged triller were easily seen in the bush around the bottom of the lake wall. At dusk, huge flocks of Budgerigar and Little Corella circled above us at the camp ground as they prepared to descend on the dam to drink. Yellow-throated miner and Crested Pigeon wandered through and around our camp. Mick.

After packing up we visited the local "museum", a replica of the Cambridge Downs homestead (with free entry), had coffee at Kronosaurus Korner and bought fresh meat from the butcher (which seemed to be the only shop open) and headed towards Julia Creek.

We had heard about a place on the way that some bloggers had described as beautiful so we decided that might be worth a stop. We turned off the highway and drove the two kilometres to Nelia. I don't know how you could describe it as beautiful. The promised "country farm stay" was little more than a very dry and dusty backyard. Yes there were some animals - goats, geese and chooks, but nothing you could describe as a farm. The amenities consisted of access to the bathroom at the back of the old house. We didn't stay - just made lunch in the shelter shed across the road and moved on.


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