Thursday 7 August 2014


26 - 28 July 2014

We headed into Cloncurry - having decided to make each day's driving as short as possible. We called into the visitor information centre, as is our habit and asked about camping. We spent a bit of time wandering around as there were some trees in flower that had attracted many birds. We picked up a flier for "Wal's Camp" and decided that may be better than the caravan park on the highway. As we drove past the caravan park we noted the very cramped camping area so made our way to Wal's. About 2 kms out of town, it certainly looked to be a better prospect so we checked in. We were the only campers and were given a partially shaded spot next to the - very rustic - camp kitchen. The amenities were limited and a bit cramped but adequate.

During the afternoon a couple parked not far from us in the same model of "Cub" camper trailer we had been looking at as an option for us. They seemed like nice people so we picked their brains and they let us have a good look at the set up.

On Sunday morning we ventured back down to the visitor centre for the markets. We bought some books and sweet treats, before moving on to Chinaman Creek Dam. 

This is a beautiful spot but unfortunately camping is not permitted. We walked for quite a way around the lake and it seems that some folks do camp there at times. Later in the afternoon Mick went back on his own to chase a few birds but came home early - the quiet had been broken by noisy people on quad bikes and motor bikes, with dogs. 

This is a great place to see some excellent bush and water birds. It's probably best to avoid weekends and school holidays as it is a popular local recreation area. There is a vehicle track around the dam but also clear walking by the waters edge.

I was fascinated by the antics of the, quite common, Restless Flycatchers. This bird was a lifer for me and I was amazed by its strange gargling, scolding call. It was a challenge to photograph, due, as the name accurately suggests, to its active nature.

I rely on my telephoto camera lens to view distant birds and it didn't have quite enough magnification to sort the many water birds out in the middle of the lake. A couple I could identify were Pink-eared Ducks, White-headed Stilts and Grey Teal.

Only a short walk around the vehicle track from the car park and I was able to see Diamond Dove, Variegated fairywren, Pictorella mannikin, Zebra Finch and Grey-headed Honeyeater.

On a sad note, the place is spoilt by copious amounts of litter. I don't expect the people responsible to be capable of reading this but if they do... wake up to yourselves!!!

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