Friday 4 November 2022

Woodman Point

3 – 4 November 2022

We left our Perth accommodation early so that we could deliver the camper trailer to the Cub agent near Fremantle for a much needed service. Travelling through the city was very stressful, especially when we found ourselves in the wrong lane and had to double back after exiting the freeway at the wrong spot. Fortunately we had left home allowing plenty of time to get there and weren’t late after all. We then had the whole day to fill in as there were also some necessary repairs to be done.

After leaving the trailer we went to yet another lake – North Lake in the Beeliar Regional Park. We stopped on one side of the lake and could see a bird hide across the water so drove around to the other side. Unfortunately, lack of signage made it quite difficult to find the right spot to enter the park but we eventually took a punt on a small parking spot, and with the help of the gps on the phone, found the bird hide. Mick was pleased to find some more ducks to photograph. Driving back around the lake we stopped at a coffee van for morning tea, then set the gps to take us into Fremantle.

We stopped at a couple of op shops along the way and then had lunch in the city. With a few hours left before we could collect the trailer we found Brack’s Library and spent the rest of the afternoon there. With good free wifi and nice comfortable surroundings it was perfect. We have made a bit of a habit of spending time in local libraries and noticed a couple that we thought we had seen before. I asked, and sure enough, it was the same people we had seen in Darwin, Broome and Esperance! I wonder whether we’ll see them again somewhere.

Because we weren’t able to get back on the road until after 4:00pm we chose to drive just a short distance to Woodman Point where we spent just the one night. In the morning we went for a walk to the beach, didn’t find it. Instead of following the signposted bike path we followed a track that we thought would take us there – but it didn’t. Taking another likely track we stumbled across information about the old quarantine station that occupied the site – but still no sign of the beach so we gave up. We decided instead to drive down on our way out.

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