Thursday 17 November 2022

Mason Bay

16 – 17 November 2022

We left Cheynes Beach and headed towards Ravensthorpe where we stopped to do some shopping, then headed to Mason Bay Campground, another one where we had stayed previously. Unfortunately we trusted the GPS and took a back road that had recently been flooded and still had a few spots where there was water on the road, a causeway that had water right across it and some fairly significant damage.

We arrived at the campground and found a good spot that provided some protection from the wind. With just an overnight stay planned we were able to leave the trailer hooked up to the car. The campground is council run and is one of many that are moving to a booking system – not yet in place when we stayed but coming very soon.

Mick spent some time photographing the birds he had come to see and in the morning we went for a short walk on the beach before leaving and starting the journey towards “home” in earnest. This time we took the road straight back towards Hopetoun and were pleased that this road was in good condition with no water and no flood damage. This is the road we should have been on the previous afternoon!

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