Thursday 3 November 2022

Karrinyup - Perth

 27 October – 3 November 2022

We had intended to treat ourselves to a couple of nights in a cabin every couple of months but we had not been able to find one in a nice location due to the huge numbers of people travelling. A couple of months previously we decided to book ahead to have a week in Perth and by the time we arrived we were ready for some comparative luxury.

We chose a caravan park with good facilities and a location that would allow fairly easy access to Herdsman’s Lake, Mick’s favourite birding spot in Perth. We also booked the car in for a service and arranged for the trailer to be serviced and some minor repairs carried out, on the day we were to leave. We were also able to fit in some time to wander around a nearby major shopping centre.

There are a number of lakes throughout Perth and we visited some of these looking to photograph birds. Herdsman’s wasn’t as good as last time were there with the wind chopping up the water and the reeds blocking the view in many parts. We also visited Jackadder Lake and Lake Monger. Lake Monger proved to be the best one this time with a nice sheltered corner and lots of ducks to photograph.

We went for an early morning drive to Victoria Dam which is where Perth’s water supply comes from. Located in a lovely spot up in the hills there is a walk through the bush to the dam wall and picnic area. Unfortunately vehicular access is not permitted beyond the first car park so we didn’t make use of the picnic area at the dam. Instead we drove to Lesmurdie Falls and found a very nice picnic area a short walk along the path from the carpark. After morning tea we walked along the path beside a babbling brook to the falls lookout. There are two lookout points with fantastic views to Perth city and beyond. There were also a number of birds to take photos of too!

Travelling around this beautiful country is wonderful but I do miss seeing my friends so it is always special when we can catch up with some along the way. We had a great night out in Perth with old mates who we only get to see when we come over this way.

After a lovely week relaxing and catching up on "city" jobs, we packed the trailer ready for an early morning departure that would take us through the city to a Cub agent and repairer near Fremantle. 

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