Friday 14 December 2018

The Last Leg - Queenscliff to Tasmania

12 - 14 December 2018

Rain was forecast, but from the afternoon so we were able to get packed up with the canvas dry. The last thing we wanted when storing the trailer was to have wet canvas which would be very stinky and mouldy by the time we returned in a couple of months time. We left Werribbee and tackled the freeways to get the camper trailer to a storage facility on the outskirts of Melbourne. The sky remained clear all the way there and for the rest of our journey back down the Belleraine Peninsular to a cabin in a caravan park at Queenscliff.

Our decision to get a cabin was based on the weather forecast and it was the right one. The rain started shortly after our arrival and continued throughout the two days we were there. We had to completely repack the car to accommodate the fridge and various other bits and pieces we had taken out of the trailer for our time in Tasmania. It wasn't much fun doing it in the rain, but it would have been way worse if we had the trailer with us still. We had hoped to do some exploring in the area as we hadn't been there before, but the weather was against us.

We were booked onto the Spirit of Tasmania for a night sail so were grateful we were able to get a later checkout enabling us to have an early lunch before heading into Geelong to kill some time. After an afternoon at the movies -and a parking ticket - we set off for Melbourne earlier than planned due to a severe weather warning.

We could see the storm ahead as we drove along the motorway, but had no idea just how bad it was until we were right in it. Being on the motorway there was no way we could pull over, so with white knuckles and a knot in my stomach, we drove on. Turning off the motorway to make our way to Station Pier lead us to the scariest moments as we found ourselves in the middle of a traffic jam caused by rising water across the intersection ahead and no way around it. Vehicles were driving through it in all directions, some were turning around and a few were stuck in the middle. We opted to drive through as we didn't know where else to go and other high clearance vehicles were getting through. Holding my breath I drove on and around the corner, sticking to the highest point in the middle of the road. More water over the road, but not as bad, saw us crawling along with the rest of the traffic. We were very relieved to arrive at our destination and the queue to check in to the Spirit of Tasmania.

Some of the heaviest rain we had ever experienced at the worst possible time.
Safely onboard at last! You have no idea how welcome these drinks were.
By the time we had boarded, the storm had all but passed and we enjoyed a couple of well-earned relaxing drinks before dinner. The overnight Bass Strait Crossing was not as calm as we hoped, but calmer than we had expected. Arriving in Devonport we had breakfast and met up with daughter Jo and drove the final leg to Hobart where we were to spend about 10 weeks.

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