Sunday 9 December 2018


6 - 9 November 2018

After leaving Bool Lagoon we drove south through Mount Gambier then took the coast road to Nelson, where we stopped for coffee. Driving across the border into Victoria we had to reset our watches and lost 1/2 hour in the process. From Nelson it was an easy drive into Portland. 

The reason for our visit (a return for us) was a chance to see (and photograph) the resident gannet colony close up. Mick had been able to make contact with a local volunteer and had made a tentative arrangement for Friday evening.

The hot days continued so we sought refuge in any air conditioned space we could find. The local library, with access to free wifi, was a favourite. Our bird guide was fitting us in around other commitments as well as keeping an eye on the weather forecast. With the possibility of rain in the evening, he suggested a middle of the day excursion to Point Danger. We readily agreed, despite the heat, knowing this may be our only chance.

We also found some wildlife to photograph closer to home. In the caravan park, a familiar roar alerted us to the presence of a Koala in a nearby tree. On an outing to the foreshore, we also found a couple of Fur Seals and Musk Ducks. Despite the heat and harsh light of the early afternoon, the gannet colony was the highlight of our stay. It took a while but I eventually fount a Cape Gannet among the Australasians. Another new bird! Mick.

They do sleep a lot.
A rare shot with eyes open.
Down at the waterfront, Fur Seals wait for fishermen to come in and clean their catch.
Fur Seal
We also saw a couple of Musk Ducks hunting crabs.
Anyone can visit the Point Danger gannet colony but to get a close up look beyond the fence you must go with a local volunteer. This was arranged through the Visitor Information Centre and even for this non-birdwatcher, was a very special and worthwhile experience. Being so close to a large number of these birds was quite amazing.

Australasian Gannets
A Cape Gannet showing its long Gular stripe very well.
Cape Gannet
Air brakes.
While in Portland we also took a tourist drive out to The Blowholes (not really blowing), The Petrified Forest (really a series of limestone tubes) and Bridgewater Lakes (too crowded). It was a nice drive and interesting to see some local attractions though.

On our final morning we visited Fawthrop Lagoon, another popular birdwatching spot. A walking path and boardwalk goes right around the lake, but we only went for a short walk. Next we were off along the Great Ocean Road towards the east.

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