Sunday 10 May 2015

Bladensburg National Park

4 - 5 May

We left Opalton, bound for Bladensburg National Park, not far from Winton, so it was back along the dirt road. We stopped for some bird photos of course, and arrived in time for lunch.

It was hot enough to have us seriously consider swimming in the muddy water.
We found a campsite at Bough Shed Hole Campground, right by the waterhole. Even though it was very hot, it was still a really nice place to camp. There was only us and one other couple camped nearby so it was a peaceful place to stay overnight.

In the morning we drove along the Route of the River Gums (the main road through the park) back towards Winton. We couldn't resist a stop at Skull Hole! Once we arrived back in Winton we chose a motel for the next two nights - a special treat for my birthday!

Sounds nice, let's go!
Viewed at a distance, clumps of Spinifex soften the harsh landscape but up close they are needle sharp and to be avoided.

Christie looks over the edge at Skull Hole.

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