Thursday 7 May 2015


29 April – 1 May

The weather forecast predicted rain for the part of the country we were travelling through so we decided on the cottage at Charleville Bush Caravan Park. This was a good decision as the forecast was correct and the cottage was great. Not quite in a bush setting, but out of town on a large property, the cottage had everything we needed, and Mick was invited to walk wherever he wanted on the property to take photographs.

I didn't do much bird photography here preferring to catch up on some editing instead. I did notice Weebill, Yellow Thornbill, Yellow-rumped Thornbill, Chestnut-rumped Thornbill, Black-faced Cookoo-shrike, Crested Pigeon and Spinny-cheeked Honeyeater close to the cottage. Mick.

The back of a storm that passed over us bringing welcome rain to a parched landscape.
We stocked up on supplies in town and settled in for a couple of relaxing days. This was a bit of an indulgence, but we figured we deserved it after seven days in the tent.

We left at about 9 on Friday morning bound for Lara Station, between Blackball and Barcaldine, stopping for coffee in Augathella and supplies in Tambo, arriving at the camp spot in the early afternoon.

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