Wednesday 20 August 2014

Mount Surprise

14 - 15 August 2014

The Crazy Woman (GPS) strikes again! 
We had thought about taking the "back roads" from Cobbold Gorge, through Einasleigh to The Lynd Junction, but because Mick was feeling unwell, and had both had enough of unsealed roads for a while, we decided that we would stop for the night at Mount Surprise, and follow that with the long drive back home to Townsville in the morning. After stopping in Georgetown to visit the Op Shop I set the GPS for Mount Surprise and she told me it was only 52 kms away, despite the road signs saying it was 90km. Not to worry, it's straight along the Savannah Way, so we headed off, and surprise, surprise, the Crazy Woman was spectacularly wrong - she had the town of Mount Surprise smack bang in the middle of the Einasleigh River!

We arrived in this little village and were able to get a cabin for the night so the patient could rest in the afternoon, which he did! Later in the afternoon we went for the walk that leaves from the back of the caravan park, and goes down to the creek. Unlike the creek walk in Julia Creek, this one was well described in the literature, and well marked. It was an easy walk down to, and along the creek. Quite a pretty spot where it would be very nice to have a picnic.

Red-winged Parrot are common in these parts

Seen on the walk... stone stacking appears to be a thing now
 The walk to the creek is along a narrow track that winds through open bushland and through a couple of fences. The ground is scattered with countless basalt rocks that are testament to the volcanic history of the area. Not far away are the Undara Lava Tubes, great long caves formed by the passage of lava, tens of thousands of years ago. Undara has become a popular tourist destination and Mount Surprise is often a base for travelers wishing to see the tubes.

For us, there were more birds around the van park than on the walk to the creek. We only saw a couple of Grey Fantails. I suspect that this would vary with the time of day. I was not well enough to sit quietly  waiting for birds to come in to drink that day.

Lucky I didn't as the temperature dropped and some light rain moved in not long after we returned to the cabin.
Squatter pigeon in the van park

This caravan park was fairly full, and we were glad we hadn't opted to camp in the tent - the 2 tent camping areas were full to overflowing due to the presence of a school tour group. Enthusiastic, giggling teenagers - but they did remain quiet later in the evening. The caravan sites are all set out with trees and shrubs between sites - very thoughtful. We would be happy to stay in one of those when we visit next.

An early start in the morning and then home.....

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