Friday 8 July 2022

Nitmiluk National Park - Leilyn (Edith Falls) Campground

 6 -8 July 2022

We left Pine Creek and stopped at a couple of spots along the way where we might find some birds to photograph. One was just off the highway but we couldn't figure out how to get down to the river and the other was on the road into Leilyn. Mick had been to a spot that we think is known as Dead Woman Waterhole before, so he knew we could get in with the camper trailer.

This waterhole is only a little way in from the main road, with a loop track at the end. There was water and a few birds so we stayed a while, and finished up with morning tea before setting off for the campground. 

As we had expected, it was full with many families enjoying the natural surrounds. Our spot was, once again, not ideal, but was better than the one we'd had previously. The layout and orientation of many of the campsites makes them difficult to get into. The sizes on the map may be accurate but the length given for some is actually the width. Hopefully someone in NT National Parks will fix this as it makes it a bit tricky when booking using the new online system.

Although the sun was shining, there was a cold wind blowing so swimming was not on our agenda this visit. We did walk down to the pool and there were some brave souls in the water. We opted for an ice cream from the cafe instead. 

We rose early the next morning to go back to the waterhole. Mick wanted me there as spotter as he had heard dingoes during the night and was a bit worried about sitting there all alone in his throw-over hide. We spent a good while there then drove back down to the free camp near the highway where he had previously seen Gouldian Finches. We didn't stop this time as it was absolutely packed with caravans and other campers. Back at our camp we relaxed away the rest of the day, with Mick doing some more photo editing. 

We had a leisurely final morning, with Mick spending some time with the camera in the campground and day use area before having morning tea once we were packed up. We then set off for Katherine where we were to spend the next week.

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