Friday 1 July 2022

Litchfield National Park - Florence Falls Old 4WD Campground

 28 June - 1 July 2022

We left Darwin and made our way back to Litchfield National Park to stay at Florence Falls again. We had booked three more nights in this beautiful spot. Along the way we stopped in Batchelor for a picnic lunch and then made our way to our campsite. 

The weather wasn't anywhere near as hot as on our last visit so we just went down to the plunge pool for a walk rather than a swim. Despite the cooler weather there were still heaps of people swimming there. 

On Wednesday morning the weather had changed and was cooler again, and very overcast. We hoped the skies would clear but it wasn't to be. We headed out in the afternoon to Greenant Creek and the Tjaetaba Falls walk. This 2.7km walk is relatively easy at the start but there are some steep and rocky sections as the track leaves the edge of the creek and climbs to the top of the falls. There is a lovely pool for swimming at the top of the waterfall. Lots were, but we didn't.

From Greenant Creek we went to Tollmer Falls Lookout. The lookout provides a great view of this spectacular waterfall. There is also a short walk along the creek from the viewing platform back to the carpark.

The weather had started to turn quite nasty - a drop in temperature, rain overnight and overcast skies. We decided to head in to Bachelor to get online and carry out some necessary tasks. We hoped that the forecast would show the weather getting better but it looked like it would be getting worse.

Back at camp and we had late afternoon drizzle which turned into rain through most of the night and early morning. Fortunately it had eased to just a slight spit by the time we had to pack up and move on. We did enjoy our relaxed stay even though the weather was against us. 

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