Sunday 12 June 2022


 5 - 12 June 2022

We arrived at the caravan park in Darwin and were able to check-in early, as arranged. Our site had an esnuite and backed on to the fence bordering some bushland. There wasn't much shade so we knew we would be in for some uncomfortable afternoons. We'd just have to make use of the pool again. Late in the afternoon we drove down to Holmes Jungle, a spot suggested by a birdwatching friend. That turned out to be a bit of an experience as it seems it is now used as a gay hook-up spot. Mick was definitely not going there on his own.

After checking out the swamp, we called in to the shopping centre for a few things before trying to find the Mangrove Boardwalk in the Casuarina Coastal Reserve - without success. We then headed out to Lee Point, another birdwatching spot where Gouldian Finches had been seen. Yes, they were there but Mick hadn't taken his camera on the long walk to the spot. 

After an afternoon of running around we finished the evening with dinner and sunset at the famous Mindil Beach Markets. There were so many people there, but it really is something fun to do when in Darwin. The markets run Sundays and Thursdays during the dry season. There are heaps of food and drink stalls to choose from as well as local arts and crafts. There is even entertainment as well as the sunset view from the beach.

The next morning we headed down to Knuckey Lagoon, again for the birds and then in to pick up some camping gear that we needed. We seem to have broken a few things in the last couple of weeks. We went back out to Lee Point to find the boat ramp for birding.

On Tuesday morning we went back to Holmes Jungle, together, and spent a couple of hours staking out a water point, without much success. In the afternoon we went back out to Lee Point, first to try to find the Gouldian Finches, and then back to the boat ramp. Mick didn't have much success at either place but we did meet someone who said that morning would be best for the finches.

Wednesday morning had us back at Knuckey Lagoon, then over to East Point. This precinct features many military relics from World War ll, as well as the Defence of Darwin Experience. Our reason for going was the Mangrove Boardwalk. This one was well signposted and a short 1.2km walk to the water. This spot turned out to be very productive. As well as lots of birds, Mick met a local birder who was happy to share her knowledge. 

From East Point we went to the Darwin Waterfront precint for lunch. Unfortunately it was too hot to sit outside and enjoy the view, we chose air-conditioned comfort instead. From there we went in to the CBD for a quick look, then on to the libray for free wifi and airconditioning.

Another early morning on Thursday and we were headed out to Lee Point in search of the Gouldian Finches. A couple of local birders had suggested that early morning was best - and they were right. After a good session with a few good shots, we went back down to the boat ramp just because we were close by.

Mick still didn't have the shot he wanted so it was back to Lee Point for sunrise on Friday - and this time he was happy with the outcome. We noticed from a local Facebook group that there would be a large group there on Saturday morning so we figured Friday would be our last chance. From Lee Point we went back down to the Mangrove Boardwalk at East Point. This time the tide was quite a long way out but there were still some birds about.

On Saturday morning, our last full day, we went back to Casuarina Coastal Reserve and walked in a 3km loop from the end of the road, along the walking track to another mangrove walk,  and then around the back of the hospital and back through yet another mangrove boardwalk to the beach where we had started. We also looked in at a spot in Coconut Grove that a local birder had told Mick about. It was a nice walk through the mangroves at low tide, to the beach, but not terribly productive.

On the way home we went down to the Fisherman's Wharf to buy some seafood - fresh prawns for lunch, mackeral for dinner and some frozen fillets for later.

We spent 7 nights in Darwin and apart from Mindil Beach Sunset Markets, we didn’t do any of the touristy things – but we did spend a lot of time birdwatching and Mick was well pleased with the number of new birds he was able to photograph. 

We decided to return to Darwin after Kakadu and booked a couple of nights out at the caravan park at Lee Point. We also started to plan and book a number of places over the next 6 weeks. We don’t usually travel this way, but with so many people on the road, and national parks requiring online bookings in Northern Territory and  Western Australia we thought it was the wise thing to do.

We set off from Darwin en route to Cooinda in Kakadu National Park, with a couple of stops along the way - to look for birds at the Adelaide River and lunch at the Mary River. We also stopped at the Bowali Visitor Centre to pick up a visitor guide. We had already purchased our Kakadu park passes online so we were all set for our week in Kakadu National Park.

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