Tuesday 21 June 2022

Corroboree Park

 19 - 21 June 2022

We left Jabiru, and made a couple of stops along the way to our next stop - two nights at the campground at Corroborree Park Tavern. We had chosen to go there so that we would have easy access to Fogg Dam. It's still about 35km away, but closer than Howard Springs. We found a nice shady spot and discussed our options.

We decided on an afternoon session, stopping first at Adelaide River to chase the Golden Mangrove Whistler. We arrived at Fogg Dam about an hour before sunset and again were amazed at the variety of birdlife. We even saw a Jabiru with a file snake in its beak - just caught. We spent time until the sun set on the dam wall watching and photographing the birds. After a very successful afternoon we had dinner in the tavern when we returned home.

Because it's such a great place, we returned to Fogg Dam for sunrise the next morning - and again it was a very successful outing. It was only spoiled when we set off on the Woodland to Waterlily Walk and were eaten alive by mosquitoes. They were heaps worse than the last time we went on the walk a few weeks previously. We retreated to the campground, and relaxed in the shade for the rest of the afternoon.

We just had to make one last visit to Fogg Dam before heading in to Darwin again so we rose early, packed up the camper trailer and were at the dam just after sunrise. We spent another 4 hours there and had an early lunch before driving in to Darwin and out to Lee Point for a couple of nights.

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