Thursday 14 September 2017


13 - 14 September 2017

We drove towards Cloncurry, with a stop at another potential birdwatching spot. Chinaman Creek Dam is only a few kilometres west of Cloncurry and a nice spot for a stop. There is a big picnic area, but camping is not allowed. It's quiet during the week, but there is lots of activity on the weekends. 

We spent a short while there before continuing on into Cloncurry to refuel and to stop at the visitor centre. We decided to keep driving east and to make Richmond our final destination. We stopped for lunch in Julia Creek and shouted ourselves lunch in an air-conditioned cafe. It was a welcome relief from the heat outside.

We made it into Richmond and and opted for an unpowered spot in the caravan park. The unpowered sections - there are three that are not all in use at the same time - have a lovely aspect with a view over Lake Fred Tritton. Because it was still relatively early, we were able to snag the only really shady spot under a tree. Shade and water views!

Fishing on the lake. Later there was a, not so welcome, jet ski spoiling the serenity.
White-necked Heron.
Female Magpie Lark.
Great Crested Grebe
We walked down to the lake thinking that we might go for a swim later, but it wasn't too oppressively hot and the water looked quite murky so we decided a nice sit in the shade would do. During the afternoon a breeze kept the heat at bay. The breeze turned into quite a stiff wind overnight, knocking over our chairs and blowing towels around. We were glad we hadn't put up the awing as we were sure it would have blown down in the middle of the night.

Somewhat reluctantly we set off for the final, final leg of our epic journey in the morning. 

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