Thursday 23 April 2015

Lake Conjola

14 – 15 April 2015

We had one more night before we had to be in Sydney so we looked for somewhere nice to stay. Many of the south coast towns I remember from my childhood are now bustling cities. We picked up a local map at the visitor information centre at Bateman’s Bay and Mick chose LakeConjola, and a cabin in the caravan park nearest the bush reserve. What a good choice!

Our cabin was well appointed and on the bushland edge of the park. Unfortunately for us it faced the playground and cricket pitch rather than the bush. I guess it would have been perfect for families with young children.                                                                           

The end of the boardwalk was a 'birdy' spot.

Male Variegated Fairywren.
In the morning we went for a walk along the lake where families were fishing, snorkelling, swimming and paddling canoes, and up along the path to the ocean beach. This was a really nice walk, with lots of birds about.

It was a hazy morning and the surf looked a bit untidy.
From one corner of the park, a great little boardwalk meandered through coastal vine thicket and heath to a surf beach. Lots of Banksias were in flower providing nectar for Little Wattlebirds, Eastern Spinebills and New Holland Honeyeaters. Close to the beach, we saw an Eastern Whipbird, White-browed Scrubwrens and Variegated Fairywrens. Mick.

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