Thursday 23 April 2015

Croajingalong National Park

13 – 14 April 2015

Mick was keen to spend a night in the Lakes Entrance area and we chose Croajingalong NP. On the recommendation of the staff at the visitor information centre in Lakes Entrance, we chose MuellerRiver. The first part of the road from Cann River is sealed, and the unsealed section in the national park is reasonably well maintained (compared to some) but it was slow going and quite narrow in some parts.

Eastern Whipbird was a surprise early morning visitor .

Little Wattlebirds go for gold in the early morning light.
Coast Banksia (Banksia integrifolia)
Our tent was only two metres from the calm water of  Mueller Inlet.
There are only 8 sites at this campground and two long drop toilets. Tank water is available for hand washing but there are no other facilities – but the location is beautiful. The 4 drive in campsites are all a good size and along the edge of the river with views out beyond the mouth of the river to the waves crashing onto the beach beyond. It’s quite disconcerting to be camped on a river and hearing crashing waves. If we hadn't had a commitment in Sydney on Wednesday night we might have stayed longer than one night.

I'm happy with this close encounter with a Brown Thornbill but I missed a great shot of an Eastern Whipbird. Mick.
There were lots of birds around the camp ground so Mick spent some quality time with the camera before we finally left mid-morning, heading towards Nowra.

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