Monday 7 July 2014

Broadwater - Abergowrie State Forest

26 - 27 June 2014

After two very cold nights up in the mountains behind Ingham we opted to return to the coast and Broadwater in the Abergowrie State Forest. We had been here before so knew what to expect - grassy campsites, toilets and cold shower as well as fire pits. We selected a shady site and although there were a number of other campers (including some pretty flash looking campervans) it was quiet and peaceful. We went for a walk along the Creek Walk which doesn't go very near the creek at all! It's a nice walk and Mick found a very "birdy" spot so he stayed on to take photos while I walked back to camp. I can only spend so much time standing around, staying quiet, waiting for that one magic shot.
We also visited the creek swimming spot - although we weren't tempted to swim - and the Rainforest Walk which takes you to the strangler fig. A very nice, and easy walk along a well maintained boardwalk.

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