Thursday 9 December 2021

Mount Gambier

 7 - 9 December 2021

We left Meningie for Mount Gambier intending to stay for 2 nights in a cabin. With the border restrictions that were in place at the time, we would be permitted into Tasmania as long as we didn't stop-over in Victoria, and provided we hadn't been in a venue that was deemed to be a Covid exposure site, With this in mind we decided to travel to Mount Gambier via Robe to visit the bird hide at Fox Lake.

We travelled south along the Coorong, with a stop for a stretch in Kingston SE. From there we drove on to Robe and Fox Lake. There had been a reported sighting of a bird Mick had not seen before so he was very excited when he saw it almost as soon as we arrived. We spent some time there and then went down to Jumbo's Landing on Lake Battye for a picnic lunch. We were doing our best to avoid crowded venues and indoor eateries, so picnic lunches in parks suited us well. 

From Robe we continued on to Mount Gambier where we checked into a cabin. The weather wasn't great so we were glad we had decided to do this. We had time to do some rearranging of the gear in the car, and to plan how we would get through Victoria to Station Pier and the Spirit of Tasmania. We did some shopping to allow us to have a couple of days camping when we arrived in Tasmania.

We had booked a night sail so we could drive through the day rather than the night and were able to get a slightly later check-out from the cabin on our last morning. We packed a picnic lunch and set off towards the border.

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