Friday 27 February 2015

Miles (Qld)

24 - 25 February 2015

We left Lake Maraboon and decided to again see how far we could get before we stopped for the night. Our first pit-stop was Springsure for fuel, then morning tea at Rolleston and lunch at Injune. We continued on towards Roma and then turned off at Yuleba to check out a camp spot we had read about - Judd's Lagoon. Just out of town, it looked like a nice spot but we decided not to stay as it was still early and very hot. We pushed on and called into the Tourist Information Centre in Miles. The knowledgeable local provided information on a couple of nice places to stay and we decided on Columboola Country Caravan and Camping Park - about 30 km out of town.

On our arrival we were greeted by a very friendly host who informed us that we could camp anywhere we wanted (great) and suggested a spot by the creek (even better) and that we were the only ones camping there that night (fantastic). We usually set up a fairly extensive camp, with tables, chairs, tent, awning and lots of other stuff, but this time we tried a minimalist approach - tent, chairs and make use of the shade from the trees and the picnic table near our camp spot.

View from camp.

Water reflects rock, rock reflects water.
After dinner we walked up to the recreation room and watched some television - a bit of a treat when you are camping. Even though it had been in the mid-thirties all day, the temperature was much milder overnight.

Up early for breakfast and we began to pack up the camp - and then our day became very interesting. Mick yelled some obscenities and held up his hand while he applied pressure to his middle finger - he had dropped the brand new, very sharp knife while washing up, and had instinctively reached out to catch it. Very bad move! He had taken quite a slice along the length of the top half of his finger. I'm a teacher not a medico but even I could see that he needed medical attention so I packed up the rest of the camp (it was then I discovered I could pull down, and pack up, the tent on my own), loaded the car and we headed off to the next town - Chinchilla.
Apostlebird taken with injured right hand. I couldn't leave with no pics!
The staff at the hospital were great and 12 stitches and a tetanus injection later, and we were ready to hit the road again. Now, it was fairly obvious that this injury to the middle finger on the right hand of a right-handed man was going to cause some serious difficulty when setting up, and packing up camp so we made the decision to forego our planned visit to Bunya Mountains National Park, and head straight to O'Reilly's near Lamington National Park. We had planned to stay there anyway so it seemed sensible to head there at this point in time.
The finger ten days later as I wait to have the stitches removed.
We stopped for a picnic lunch in Dalby and rang ahead to book a room - securing a very good "Summer Sale" deal.

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