Thursday 2 October 2014


29 September - 4 October 2014

After lunch on Lyndoch we made the fairly short, 1 hour, drive in to Adelaide, through the Adelaide Hills, and promptly missed the turn to our accommodation and had to drive around the city block. Even when the GPS is giving accurate directions, you can't account for city traffic and a slightly nervous driver (as well as an apartment hotel with no parking out the front). No matter, we made it. 

Later in the afternoon we drove back into the Adelaide Hills to Norton Summit, to meet with friends at the aptly named Scenic Hotel. In addition to the great view of the city, there was a sleeping koala in a tree right in front of us! Unfortunately the sun was in the wrong position to get a photo. Even though it was only late afternoon, the temperature dropped significantly and has us reaching for our coats. Even so, this was a beautiful spot and one we would not have discovered on our own. We drove back to town to meet up with friends who are also here for the conference.

On Tuesday, with a day free, we made our way into the Rundle Mall to check out the shops and stock up supplies.

Interesting old buildings and shops can be found in some of the lanes around the city.
Pigs... There is no shortage of bronze art works around the city.
More public art in the Mall

On the recommendation of our Adelaide friend, Sue, my friend Liz and I also visited the Adelaide Central Markets. What a fantastic market! We could have spent hours there just browsing all the fresh produce and locally produced goods - cheese, salami, meat, oils, honey, bread, nuts......

This ornate shopfront probably owes something to the local German heritage.

Our motivation for being in South Australia at this time is so I can attend ACEC2014 (Australian Computers in Education Conference) so our sightseeing has come to an end, although Mick has the next few days free to indulge his passions.

Lots of great architecture to photograph.

On our last night in Adelaide the wind came down and the temperature went up. At last we could enjoy the beautiful cityscape from the 17th floor balcony.

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